Silence you lost me, no chance for one more day

I stand here alone
Falling away from you, no chance to get back home

i waz waiting for u...
but u never zhow up ...
i walk along the ztreet ...
meeting new fazez ...
hearin' zongz of melancoly ...
the zun above me ...
i'm gettin' tired of waitin'...
i'm leaving and i don't want to look back ...
cauze' maybe you will be there but you won't ztop me...

i waited much more than a hour...
i waited more than a month and more than a year ...
i waited all my zighz and that'z much more than zomeone can imagine.

Today iz not the same ...
i'm zitting outzide my door ...
waited for a new day, but all the dayz lookz exaktly the zame

i waz waiting for u...
but u never zhow up ...
i cloze my eyes ...
and i have to zay...
"everything haz change and never will be like the waz before!¡!"


Blogger Ddo said...

heieieieieie ke roioo psss ta chidoo lo ke aste escribio!!1 chalalalalala ya conectese no sea fundacion!! siyuuu

6:48 p.m.  

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