debido a mi falta de rockolez pondre io ezo ke ddito puzo pa ponerLoz a pRueba jaja una vez lo hize en mi space de hotmail pero nomaz porke ztaba aburrida y no pa ke le atinaran jaja haber zi le atinan jojojo


i waited here for you
like a kid waitin' after zchool
zo tell me how come you never zhowed ?


a picture taken yezterday
zlowly ztarz to fade away
there'z got to be an anzwer


y cuando zomoz fueRtez
noz debora el temor de zeguir
kuando zoi maz debil


y que todo akabo
no keda maz
zeremoz doz ztraños
io te olvidare
me olvidaraz
hazta nunka


el dia ke nazio en tu boka
de nuevo temporal ke ztalla
afuera miz ntrañaz
adentro zigue en kalma


y dezirte al oido ke me zta pazando
ni zikiera he vizto una zonriza
y ze ke dentro de ti hay una ke ez mia
y dezirte al oido ke ztoi aki
ke zomoz elegidoz


zigo aki
zigo zperandote
y no ztaz junto a mi
kiero volar
el zielo ze kae


heaven bent to take my hand
nowhere left to turn
im lozt thoze i thought were friendz
to everyone i know


zabez bien
ze me difikulta hazerte zaber
ze me dificuklta ver
nada ez de tu agrado


what if i wanted to break
laugh it all off in your face
what would you do ??


love haz made me a fool
it zet me on fire and watched az i floundered
unable to zpeak
except to cry out and wait for your anzwer


a thousand other boys could never reach you
how could i have been the one
i saw the world spin beneth you
and scatter like ice from the spoon


i have another confession my friend
im not fool
im getting tired of startin' again
something new


im talkin' to myself in public
dodgin' glances on the rain
and i know, i know they've all been talkin' about me
i can hear them whizper


vienez a mi kaza a oir miz dizkoz viejoz
la televizion prendida viendo mi reflejo
me kojez de la mano
en zerie polaroid


on lazt thing before i sufle off the planet
i will be the one to make you crawl
so i came down to wizh you an unhappy birthday


you look for all that'z wrong
inztead of all that right
does it feel good to you ??
to reign on my parade
you never zay a word
unlezz it'z to complain


we used to lizten to the radio
and zing along with every zong we know
we zaid zomeday we'd find out how it feelz
to zing to more than juzt the zteerin' wheel


la zpera me agoto
no ze nada de voZ
dejazte tanto en mi
n iamaz me akozte
y n un lento degrade
zupe ke te perdi


i'm not the who broke you
i'm not the one who zhould fear
what do you got to move you darlin'?
i thought i lozt you zomewhere
but you were never really ever there at all

ztan bien fazilez jeje


Anonymous Anónimo said...

3. jumbo - fotografia
4. belanova-rosa pastel
6. el canto del loco-ekix
9. panda- 3 + 1
10. 30 seconds to mars- the kill (creo jaja)
13. foo fighters - the best of you
15. jumbo- siento ke
16. placebo - infra-red eaea
20. goo goo dolls - here is gone
las otras han de ser de esas nakas ke oyes tu por eso no me las supe jajaa byesss

7:54 p.m.  
Blogger Lau said...

1. Kelly Clarkson - Walk Away
19. Gustavo Cerati - Crimen

12:01 p.m.  
Blogger Lau said...

Oh por cierto, me gustó como quedó tu blog! Saluditos!

12:02 p.m.  
Anonymous Anónimo said...

eaea jaja ia nomaz lez faltan pokitaz jaja

grz grz Lau tmb eL tuyo !! =D

8:16 p.m.  

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